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The International trademark AquaX was filed as Word mark on 05/17/2002 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: November 29, 2022

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 787120
Register number 30167464.7/11
Countries Norway Switzerland
Base trademark DE No. 301 67 464.7/11, April 26, 2002
Application date May 17, 2002
Expiration date May 17, 2022

Trademark owner

Argonstrasse 7
86153 Augsburg

Trademark representatives

Leopoldstraße 11a 80802 München DE

goods and services

11 Sewage clarification systems and devices; systems and devices for water supply, water distribution and water conduit; water filtering devices and water filters; parts of the aforementioned systems, namely water conduits, conduit of pipes (cocks and valves), mixer faucets for water conduits, water containers and containers for water for industrial use (not made of metal and not made of brick work), filter containers, sand filters, multilayer filters, fittings for drains and water intakes, water aerators; disinfection and sterilization apparatus for sewage systems, essentially consisting of these goods
19 Pebbles, gravel, silica, filter sand
37 Installation, mounting, repair and maintenance of systems for the purification, disinfection, sterilization, transport and conditioning of sewage and for storage of water

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
November 26, 2022 2022/47 Gaz Deletion
May 17, 2012 2012/23 Gaz Extension
October 20, 2004 2004/36 Gaz NO RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
December 3, 2003 2003/25 Gaz NO Rejection
November 11, 2003 2003/23 Gaz IE RAW: Protection Granted
October 30, 2003 2004/1 Gaz DE RAW: Holder Rights Restriction
August 1, 2003 2003/16 Gaz DE Correction
July 31, 2003 2003/15 Gaz DE Deletion
June 12, 2003 2003/12 Gaz ES Rejection
March 25, 2003 2003/6 Gaz GB RAW: Protection Granted
March 4, 2003 2003/7 Gaz DE RAW: Partial Ceasing Effect
May 17, 2002 2002/19 Gaz DE Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 14787120