punto blu


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The International trademark punto blu was filed as Figurative mark on 08/31/1995 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Circles #Letters presenting a special form of writing #26.01.01

Trademark Details Last update: July 31, 2023

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 652604
Register number 570.470
Countries Austria Switzerland Spain France Liechtenstein Monaco Portugal
Base trademark IT No. 570.470, May 12, 1992
Application date August 31, 1995
Expiration date August 31, 2025

Trademark owner

Piazza di San Silvestro 8
I-00187 Roma

Trademark representatives

Via Tomacelli 146 I-00186 Roma IT

goods and services

09 Cartes de crédit autoroutières magnétiques, cartes magnétiques pour le paiement automatique des péages d'autoroutes
16 Imprimés, journaux, périodiques, livres; papier et articles en papier, carton et articles en carton; matériel d'instruction et d'enseignement (à l'exception des appareils)
39 Services d'informations concernant les tarifs, les horaires, le planning et la coordination de la circulation en vue de l'exploitation des autoroutes

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 31, 2015 2015/36 Gaz Extension
August 31, 2005 2005/37 Gaz Extension
November 9, 1998 1998/23 Gaz IT RAW: Limitation
November 9, 1998 1998/22 Gaz IT Deletion
March 26, 1998 1998/6 Gaz ES Decision on opposition
September 22, 1997 1997/19 Gaz DE RAW: Final Confirmation Refusal
March 20, 1997 1997/6 Gaz ES Rejection
February 12, 1997 1997/3 Gaz DE Rejection
August 31, 1995 1996/2 Gaz IT Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 14652604