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The International trademark SPA REINE was filed as Figurative mark on 01/21/1986 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: March 22, 2021

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 500411
Countries Germany France Italy Moldova
Base trademark BX No. , December 2, 2024
Application date January 21, 1986
Expiration date January 21, 2026

Trademark representatives

Lambroekstraat 5A B-1831 Diegem BE

goods and services

32 Beer, ale and porter; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; syrups and other preparations for making beverages

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
January 21, 2016 2016/4 Gaz Extension
April 4, 2014 2014/15 Gaz MD RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
January 7, 2014 2014/4 Gaz RAW: Limitation
December 5, 2013 2013/49 Gaz MD Rejection
September 5, 2012 2012/51 Gaz Correction
January 21, 2006 2006/4 Gaz Extension
June 12, 1989 1989/6 LMi DT RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
November 3, 1986 1986/11 LMi DT Rejection
January 21, 1986 1986/3 LMi BX Registration

ID: 14500411