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The International trademark beluga was filed as Figurative mark on 08/14/1984 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Letters presenting a special form of writing

Trademark Details Last update: November 11, 2022

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 487111
Register number 330552
Countries Algeria Egypt North Korea Kazakhstan Liechtenstein Morocco Monaco Russia Ukraine
Base trademark CH No. 330 552, January 26, 1984
Application date August 14, 1984
Expiration date August 14, 2024

Trademark owner

Bahnhofplatz 2B
2502 Biel/Bienne

Trademark representatives

Avenue de Champel 8c, Case postale 385 CH

goods and services

14 Métaux précieux et leurs alliages et objets en ces matières ou en plaqué (excepté coutellerie, fourchettes et cuillers); joaillerie, pierres précieuses; horlogerie et autres instruments chronométriques

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 14, 2014 2014/33 Gaz Extension
July 30, 2007 2007/33 Gaz PL Decision on opposition
July 30, 2007 2007/33 Gaz CZ Decision on opposition
April 24, 2006 2006/19 Gaz PL Rejection
April 18, 2006 2006/18 Gaz CZ Rejection
July 8, 2005 2005/28 Gaz CH Correction
August 14, 2004 2004/26 Gaz Extension
August 14, 1984 1984/9 LMi CH Registration
August 14, 1984 DT Decision on opposition
Partial deletion

ID: 14487111