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The International trademark EDENOR was filed as Figurative mark on 09/28/1963 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: May 26, 2023

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 274441
Register number 772662
Countries South Korea Singapore Austria Bosnia and Herzegovina Benelux Switzerland China Czechia Germany Algeria Egypt France Croatia Hungary Italy Liechtenstein Morocco Monaco Macedonia Portugal Romania Serbia Russia Slovenia Slovakia San Marino Vietnam
Base trademark DE No. 772 662, April 22, 1963
Application date September 28, 1963
Expiration date September 28, 2023

Trademark owner

Paul-Thomas-Strasse 56
40599 Düsseldorf

Trademark representatives

Maximiliansplatz 22 80333 München DE

goods and services

01 Chemicals used in industry (excluding adjuvants for the textile and leather industry), fatty acids, solvents for oils and greases (included in class 1)

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
December 13, 2016 2016/53 Gaz RU Rejection
October 10, 2016 2016/42 Gaz KR Rejection
June 22, 2016 2016/34 Gaz SG Rejection
November 27, 2015 2016/4 Gaz Correction
September 28, 2013 2013/40 Gaz Extension
January 30, 2008 2008/9 Gaz DE Correction
September 28, 2003 2004/5 Gaz Extension
October 3, 1996 1996/14 Gaz Extension
October 7, 1993 1993/11 LMi Extension
March 5, 1993 1993/4 LMi Extension
February 19, 1993 1993/3 LMi Extension
September 28, 1963 1983/9 LMi DT Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 14274441