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The International trademark BODY-SCULPT was filed as Word mark on 01/24/2023 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: July 25, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1718914
Register number 4888269
Countries Canada Greece Turkey Benelux Switzerland China Germany Spain Italy Morocco Poland Portugal
Base trademark FR No. 4888269, November 11, 2022
Application date January 24, 2023
Expiration date January 24, 2033

Trademark owner

4 rue Euler
F-75008 PARIS

Trademark representatives

140 boulevard Voltaire F-75011 Paris FR

goods and services

03 Soaps; perfumery products; essential oils; eau de cologne; cosmetics particularly creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders; beauty masks; non-medical cosmetic preparations for skin, face and body care, maintenance and beautification; make-up and make-up removing products; cosmetic shaving and after-shave preparations; cosmetic sun and after-sun preparations; cosmetic products for slimming purposes; deodorants; cosmetic preparations for the bath and shower; sunscreen hair preparations; non-medical preparations for hair care, maintenance and embellishment; lotions for hair; shampoos; hair care and styling creams, gels, foams, balms and masks; hair sprays; hair coloring and hair bleaching products; hair waving and setting products

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
July 21, 2023 2023/30 Gaz PL Rejection
January 24, 2023 2023/9 Gaz FR Registration

ID: 141718914