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The International trademark MYCOIQ was filed as Word mark on 02/01/2023 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: July 28, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1717369
Countries Australia Brazil Canada China European Community United Kingdom Indonesia India Japan South Korea Philippines Singapore Vietnam
Base trademark US No. 97536666, August 5, 2022
Application date February 1, 2023
Expiration date February 1, 2033

Trademark owner

Legal Department,
18250 E. 40th Ave, Suite 50

Trademark representatives


goods and services

01 Proteins for use in the manufacture of food supplements; proteins for use in the manufacture of alternative dairy products, alternative meat products, flours, bakery mixes, prepared snack foods, prepared snack bars; extracts and whole mushrooms and mycelia for use in the manufacture of cosmetics and dietary supplements; proteins for the food industry; chemical preparations for industrial purposes; chemical preparations for use in the manufacture of food, beverages, nutritional supplements and food supplements; chemical preparations for use in manufacture
05 Nutritional supplements; powdered nutritional supplement concentrate; nutraceuticals for use as a dietary supplement for supporting immunity, supporting heart health, supporting circulatory health, promoting brain health, supporting anti-tumor activity, increasing vitality and energy; nutraceuticals for use as a dietary supplement; natural dietary supplements; dietary food supplements

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
July 26, 2023 2023/30 Gaz EM Rejection
July 7, 2023 2023/28 Gaz CN Rejection
June 2, 2023 2023/22 Gaz AU Rejection
May 31, 2023 2023/22 Gaz GB Rejection
February 1, 2023 2023/8 Gaz US Registration

ID: 141717369