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The International trademark SOLUMATRIX was filed as Word mark on 05/19/2016 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: May 28, 2020

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1302399A
Countries Colombia
Application date May 19, 2016
Expiration date November 11, 2019

Trademark owner

3602 Horizon Drive,
Suite 160

Trademark representatives

Fish & Richardson P.C., P.O. Box 1022 US

goods and services

05 Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of cancer; and pharmaceutical preparations for side effects of the treatment of cancer, namely, mucositis, pain, nausea, bone marrow depletion, fibrosis, nerve damage, rashes, sore skin, hair loss, flu-like symptoms, fatigue, weakness, fever, and drop in blood pressure

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 18, 2020 2020/22 Gaz US RAW: Total Ceasing Effect

ID: 999914130239965