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The International trademark TOK was filed as Word mark on 08/15/2014 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: June 16, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1238993
Register number 302014024693.7/17
Countries Australia European Community Georgia India Japan South Korea Norway New Zealand Turkmenistan Turkey United States of America (USA) Uzbekistan Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus China Kyrgyzstan Moldova Tajikistan Ukraine
Base trademark DE No. 30 2014 024 693.7/17, June 6, 2014
Application date August 15, 2014
Expiration date August 15, 2024

Trademark owner

Felderstrasse 24
51371 Leverkusen

Trademark representatives

Postfach 51 06 28 50942 Köln DE

goods and services

02 Preservatives against rust and corrosion, including primers; anti-corrosive bands; bituminous lacquers; primers; inhibitors for preventing corrosion; anti-corrosive pastes and compounds
17 Insulators; preparations for protecting technical installations, buildings and components, structures, pipes, flexible pipes, pipelines, installations and containers from heat and cold; plastic and elastic sealing compounds and seals for buildings, structures, installations, components, pipes, pipelines, flexible pipes and containers, also against each other, in particular for joint seals, both for vertical and horizontal joints; natural and synthetic rubbers and plastic substitutes therefor and mixtures of the aforesaid materials with each other, in particular in the form of joint bands, in the form of vertical and horizontal joint compounds, in the form of paints, in the form of compounds, in the form of mastics, in the form of pastes, in the form of emulsions, in the form of dispersions, in the form of profiles, in the form of binders, in the form of bands, in the form of strips, in the form of foils, in the form of cords, in the form of tapes and in the form of solid and foam rings, all for building protection, insulation and sealing purposes; mixtures of natural and synthetic rubbers and plastic substitutes therefor with bituminous materials, in particular in the form of joint bands, in the form of vertical and horizontal joint compounds, in the form of paints, in the form of compounds, in the form of mastics, in the form of pastes, in the form of emulsions, in the form of dispersions, in the form of profiles, in the form of binders, in the form of bands, in the form of strips, in the form of foils, in the form of cords, in the form of tapes and in the form of solid and foam rings, all for building protection, insulation and sealing purposes; sealants in the form of pastes; sealing pastes; seals for expansion joints
19 Bitumen; bituminous products for building purposes, including structures; bituminous materials (except bituminous lacquers and for sealing purposes), in particular in the form of joint bands, in the form of vertical and horizontal joint compounds, in the form of casting compounds, in the form of compounds for buildings, in the form of paints for buildings, in the form of cords, in the form of filling compounds as well as in the form of coatings for buildings; bitumen-based sealants in the form of joint bands, in the form of vertical and horizontal joint compounds, in the form of compounds, in the form of mastics, in the form of cords, in the form of profiles, in the form of tapes, in the form of sheets, in the form of discs, in the form of bands and in the form of strips

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 1, 2023 2023/24 Gaz US RAW: Partial Invalidation
April 15, 2019 2019/18 Gaz CN RAW: Rule 18ter(4) all goods and services protected
January 11, 2018 2018/2 Gaz JP Rejection
September 25, 2017 2017/41 Gaz IN RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
October 12, 2016 2016/42 Gaz UA RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
September 9, 2016 2016/47 Gaz TR RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
August 3, 2016 2016/33 Gaz TM Rejection
April 20, 2016 2016/19 Gaz GE Rejection
April 11, 2016 2016/27 Gaz KR RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
April 6, 2016 2016/26 Gaz US RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
April 4, 2016 2016/18 Gaz IN Rejection
February 26, 2016 2016/10 Gaz AM Rejection
February 11, 2016 2016/7 Gaz MD Rejection
January 14, 2016 2016/3 Gaz EM Rejection
January 11, 2016 2016/6 Gaz UA Rejection
December 24, 2015 2016/3 Gaz BY Rejection
December 5, 2015 2016/3 Gaz KG Rejection
November 20, 2015 2015/48 Gaz UA Rejection
November 3, 2015 2015/45 Gaz TJ Rejection
October 9, 2015 2015/42 Gaz NO Rejection
August 21, 2015 2015/35 Gaz KR Rejection
August 20, 2015 2015/34 Gaz JP Rejection
August 10, 2015 2015/36 Gaz CN Rejection
June 30, 2015 2015/27 Gaz NZ Rejection
June 17, 2015 2015/25 Gaz AU Rejection
June 4, 2015 2015/25 Gaz TR Rejection
March 23, 2015 2015/13 Gaz US Rejection
August 15, 2014 2015/9 Gaz DE Registration

ID: 141238993