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The US trademark DESERT PEOPLE was filed as Word and figurative mark on 08/18/2019 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 09/22/2020. The current status of the mark is "REGISTERED".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#USPTO: 02.01.31 - Men, stylized, including men depicted in caricature form #Several women #USPTO: 02.07.03 - Groups, males and females #USPTO: 02.11.06 - Human hair, locks of hair, wigs, beards, mustaches, Hair extensions, Mustaches, Toupees, Wigs, Hair, Beards #USPTO: 02.11.14 - Thumbs up or thumbs down (gesture), OK gesture, Handshake (gesture), Hands and fingers forming the following: handshake, finger pointing, fingers walking, OK sign, and thumbs up or thumbs down, Gestures (OK, thumbs up, thumbs down, fingers walking, handshake, finger pointing), Fingers walking (gesture), Finger pointing (gesture) #USPTO: 03.15.01 - Eagles #USPTO: 03.23.01 - Butterflies, Moths #USPTO: 05.01.25 - Cypress tree, Other trees or bushes, Willow tree #USPTO: 05.05.25 - Daffodils, Iris (flower), Other flowers #Clothing #Jackets, waistcoats, coats, cloaks #USPTO: 09.03.06 - Tank tops, Sweatshirts, Shirts, Jerseys, Exercise clothes, sweatshirts, Camisoles #Ponchos #Pullovers, sweaters #Ties, bow ties, silk scarves #Knitting needles #USPTO: 16.03.07 - Spectacles, Safety goggles, Eyeglasses, Frames, eyeglass, Glasses, eye, Glasses, safety, Sunglasses, Goggles

Trademark Details Last update: May 17, 2022

Trademark form Word and figurative mark
File reference 6159741
Register number 88583001
Application date August 18, 2019
Entry date September 22, 2020
Expiration date September 22, 2030

Trademark owner

63434 Broadway Street
92252 Joshua Tree

Trademark representatives

Po Box 100637 22210 Arlington US

goods and services

25 Clothing

ID: 13