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The US trademark BANK was filed as Word and figurative mark on 01/02/2001 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The current status of the mark is "ABANDONED-FAILURE TO RESPOND OR LATE RESPONSE".

Trademark Details Last update: May 17, 2018

Trademark form Word and figurative mark
File reference 76188504
Application date January 2, 2001

Trademark owner

660 So. Figueroa Street
90017 Los Angeles

Trademark representatives

goods and services

36 Banking, credit, debit and store value card and electronic transaction services Namely, electronic cash transactions; electronic credit card transactions; credit card transaction processing services; electronic payment, namely electronic processing and transmission of bill payment data; financial information provided by electronic means; funds settlement services for merchants and consumers; brokerage services in the field of insurance, investments, mutual funds, mortgages, securities and stocks; insurance consultations and rate comparison; investment advice and consultation; cash management; debt deferment services, cash management; credit cards and prepaid telephone calling cards; home equity loans; loan refinancing; loan servicing; personal financial management and planning; credit card insurance services; currency exchange and advice services; bank checking account services; and bank savings account services Banking, credit, debit and store value card and electronic transaction services via a global computer network Namely, electronic cash transactions; electronic credit card transactions; credit card transaction processing services; electronic payment, namely electronic processing and transmission of bill payment data; financial information provided by electronic means; funds settlement services for merchants and consumers; brokerage services in the field of insurance, investments, mutual funds, mortgages, securities and stocks; insurance consultations and rate comparison; investment advice and consultation; cash management; debt deferment services, cash management; credit cards and prepaid telephone calling cards; home equity loans; loan refinancing; loan servicing; personal financial management and planning; credit card insurance services; currency exchange and advice services; bank checking account services; and bank savings account services

ID: 1376188504