EUIPO EUIPO 2021 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark SES was filed as Figurative mark on 10/11/2021 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 05/11/2023. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Crosses within a circle or a polygon or ellipse #Letter 'E' #Letter 'S'

Trademark Details Last update: June 6, 2024

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 018574169
Application date October 11, 2021
Publication date November 2, 2021
Entry date May 11, 2023
Expiration date October 11, 2031

Trademark owner

35 Cabot Road
01801 Woburn

Trademark representatives

104 rue de Richelieu 75002 Paris FR

Objection / Complaint

01/12/2022: Likelihood of confusion

goods and services

1 Battery electrolytes; lithium salt for galvanic batteries and for galvanic cells; none of the aforesaid goods, in relation to the following goods: Cables or Cabling accessories
9 Batteries; Battery chargers; Rechargeable batteries; Smartphones; Smartwatches; Tablet computers; Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) goggles; Catho-electrodes, namely, Cathodes and Electrodes; Battery separators; Anodes; Electric battery cells; Galvanic cells; Downloadable software using artificial intelligence for monitoring battery health, generating alarms, machine learning, and battery-specific applications in the nature of battery safety monitoring and battery performance management; recorded software using artificial intelligence for monitoring battery health, generating alarms, machine learning, and battery-specific applications in the nature of battery safety monitoring and battery performance management; Data processing apparatus, recorded operating system program, and recorded software and firmware for signal processing, text processing, user interaction processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, user interface rendering and processing, sold as a unit; Computers, namely, software for use with artificial intelligence; none of the aforesaid goods, in relation to the following goods: Cables or Cabling accessories; all of the foregoing excluding connectivity solutions or software for the transmission and reception of satellite signals
12 Drones; Apparatus for locomotion by air and space, namely, airborne platforms for serving spacecrafts and conducting space applications, and structural parts and structural fittings for all of the aforementioned goods

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 4, 2024 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11018574169