DuoFerm Sensitive Balance

EUIPO EUIPO 2020 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark DuoFerm Sensitive Balance was filed as Figurative mark on 11/02/2020 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 03/23/2021. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Heads, busts #Women mounted on or accompanied by a horse, a mule or a donkey #Women stylized #Ears of cereals (wheat, rye, barley, etc.), ears of maize, ears of sorghum & panicles #Seals or stamps, circular

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 018329582
Application date November 2, 2020
Publication date December 14, 2020
Entry date March 23, 2021
Expiration date November 2, 2030

Trademark owner

Tempowerkring 6
21079 Hamburg

Trademark representatives

Steinsdorfstr. 19 80538 München DE

goods and services

1 Chemical and organic compounds for use in making animal feed; Bacteria for making animal feed; Enzymes for preparing foodstuffs for animals; Prebiotics for making animal feed
5 Dietary supplements for animals; Vitamin supplements for animals; Pharmaceutical preparations for animals; Animal washes [insecticides]
18 Saddlery, whips and apparel for animals; Leather for harnesses
31 Foodstuffs and fodder for animals; Foodstuffs for horses; Edible horse treats
44 Animal healthcare services; Horse breeding services; Horse stud services

ID: 11018329582