EUIPO EUIPO 2012 Registration expired

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The Union trademark MAP was filed as Word mark on 06/05/2012 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 07/24/2012. The current status of the mark is "Registration expired".

Trademark Details Last update: February 9, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 010939155
Application date June 5, 2012
Publication date July 26, 2012
Entry date July 24, 2012
Expiration date June 5, 2022

Trademark owner

2525 Dupont Drive
92612-1599 Irvine,

Trademark representatives

Harcourt Centre, Block 4 Harcourt Road D02 HW77 Dublin IE

goods and services

5 Pharmaceutical products for use in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and disorders, urological diseases and disorders, gastrointestinal diseases and disorders, musculoskeletal diseases and disorders, hypertension, inflammation and inflammatory diseases and disorders, metabolic diseases and disorders, infectious diseases and disorders, immunological, bacterial, viral and fungal diseases and disorders, psychiatric diseases and disorders, allergies, diabetes, obesity, stroke, erectile and sexual dysfunction, and hemolytic diseases and disorders; pharmaceutical preparations, namely, cholesterol preparations, osteoporosis preparations, oncological preparations, dermatological preparations, ophthalmologic preparations, smoking cessation preparations, tissue and skin repair preparations and gynecological preparations; pre-filled drug cartridges, sold with inhalers, which deliver medication in liquid form via the pulmonary route, either directly to the lungs or for absorption and delivery in systemic circulation for use in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and disorders, urological diseases and disorders, gastrointestinal diseases and disorders, musculoskeletal diseases and disorders, hypertension, inflammation and inflammatory diseases and disorders, metabolic diseases and disorders, infectious diseases and disorders, immunological, bacterial, viral and fungal diseases and disorders, psychiatric diseases and disorders, allergies, diabetes, obesity, stroke, erectile and sexual dysfunction, and hemolytic diseases and disorders; pre-filled drug cartridges, sold with inhalers, which deliver medication in liquid form via the pulmonary route, either directly to the lungs or for absorption and delivery in systemic circulation for use in the delivery of cholesterol preparations, osteoporosis preparations, oncological preparations, dermatological preparations, ophthalmologic preparations, smoking cessation preparations, tissue and skin repair preparations and gynecological preparations

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 5, 2023 Extension, Trade mark expired
January 20, 2021 Change Representative, Published
December 23, 2020 Change Representative, Published
July 5, 2016 Change Representative, Published
July 4, 2014 Change Representative, Published
July 11, 2013 Change Representative, Published
April 19, 2013 Transfer / Change of address, Published

ID: 11010939155