EUIPO EUIPO 2009 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark IMX was filed as Word mark on 08/27/2009 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 03/17/2010. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 008513582
Application date August 27, 2009
Publication date November 9, 2009
Entry date March 17, 2010
Expiration date August 27, 2029

Trademark owner

Invalidenstrasse 65
10557 Berlin

Trademark representatives

Neuer Wall 80 20354 Hamburg DE

Objection / Complaint

02/09/2010: unknown
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc.

goods and services

35 Systemising and collating of information and data in online databases with information lists arranged by category, namely lists and listings relating to services, sold notes, bought notes, employment, events, administration; indexing and electronic processing of information materials; creating indexes of information, websites and other information sources; data storage and data processing, for others; researching and collating of information with regard to location, purchase and rental prices for real estate; cost price analysis; providing computer-aided markets, namely providing, storage and retrieval of data, texts, images and information concerning supply and demand for goods and services; collating of offers for goods, services and information in electronic form
36 Financial affairs, in particular services of a stock exchange, of an electronic stock exchange; quotation of stock exchange prices; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; real estate appraisal; real estate procurement; real-estate management; providing information with regard to location, purchase and rental prices for real estate; financial analysis; providing of expertise; real estate appraisals; collating of data for online databases with information lists arranged by category, namely lists and listings relating to real estate; determining, calculating and publishing indices in connection with real estate

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
December 2, 2020 Transfer / Change of address, Published
May 30, 2019 Extension, Trade mark renewed
April 30, 2012 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11008513582