IGE IGE 1979 Trademark cancelled

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The Swiss trademark A was filed as Word and figurative mark on 07/06/1979 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property.
It was registered as a trademark on 06/04/1980. The current status of the mark is "Trademark cancelled".

Trademark Details Last update: January 31, 2020

Trademark form Word and figurative mark
File reference 03570/1979
Register number 2P-304437
Application date July 6, 1979
Publication date July 18, 1980
Entry date June 4, 1980
Expiration date July 6, 2019

Trademark owner

One Busch Place St. Louis, Missouri 63118 US

Trademark representatives

Chemin de l'Echo 3 1213 Onex CH

goods and services

1 21 25 28 29 30 32
Kleine Haus- und Küchengeräte sowie tragbare Behälter für Haushalt und Küche; Glas-, Porzellan- und Steingutwaren für den Haushalt; Bekleidungsstücke; Spiele und Spielzeug; Backwaren; Snack-Artikel; Hefe; Eis; Bier, Korn- und Malzsirup, alkoholfreie Getränke, Backfette, Backpulver, Schimmelhemmungsmittel, Oxydationsmittel, getrocknete und gefrorene Eier
The designations have been translated automatically. Show translation

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
January 31, 2020 2020013105 M15 Deletion
November 22, 2011 2011112210 M50 Transfer / Change of address
November 22, 2011 2011112215 M85 Change Representative
June 26, 2009 2009062605 M05 Extension
August 15, 2007 2007081505 M90 Change Representative
July 20, 1998 1998072005 M70 Transfer / Change of address
July 20, 1998 1998072020 M05 Extension
June 4, 1980 1980060405 M00 Registration
June 4, 1980 1980060405 M00 Registration

ID: 121200073522