Search simultaneously and worldwide over 5 million trademarks in the trademark registers of DPMA, EUIPO, WIPO, IGE and USPTO.
With TMDB you always have your trademarks in view: Applications, oppositions, deadlines and renewals, and much more.
Receive an automatic email about copycats and free riders: Uncomplicated brand protection in real time.
Trademarks must be renewed every 10 years. TMDB will inform you in time and assist you with the renewal.
Search internationally in over 5 million registered trademarks. At TMDB, the following trademark registers are available to you:
Are you a trademark owner or are you interested in a registered trademark? But you don't always want to have to look in the register?
A strong brand should always be monitored. Keep an eye on your competition!
Deadline missed? Brand gone? With a profile at TMDB, this won't happen to you anymore.
You want to protect a trademark? Then we are the right people to contact.
You can reach us from Monday to Friday between 08:00-16:00.