Free trademark search
and trademark monitoring of over 5 million trademarks worldwide.

goods and services

With TMDB you manage brands in no time at all

Worldwide trademark search

Search simultaneously and worldwide over 5 million trademarks in the trademark registers of DPMA, EUIPO, WIPO, IGE and USPTO.

Simply follow brands

With TMDB you always have your trademarks in view: Applications, oppositions, deadlines and renewals, and much more.

Seamless brand monitoring

Receive an automatic email about copycats and free riders: Uncomplicated brand protection in real time.

Convenient brand extension

Trademarks must be renewed every 10 years. TMDB will inform you in time and assist you with the renewal.

Trademark application

Your brand is unique. Protect it before someone else does.

  • Our in-house law firm BREUER LEHMANN protects your product name, company name, logo, slogans, etc. as a registered trademark.
  • Get the exclusive right to use your trademark by applying for and registering it in the trademark register.
  • BREUER LEHMANN Rechts- und Fachanwälte have already filed more than 10,000 trademark applications in Germany, the EU and internationally.
Trademark application from 289 €
TMDB functions

Your one-stop solution for trademark search, management and protection.

Brand Research Plattform

Search internationally in over 5 million registered trademarks. At TMDB, the following trademark registers are available to you:

  • German trademarks (DPMA)
  • European Union Trademarks (EUIPO)
  • Swiss trademarks (IGE)
  • US Trademarks (USPTO)
  • International trademarks (WIPO)
Find brands now

Are you a trademark owner or are you interested in a registered trademark? But you don't always want to have to look in the register?

  • TMDB automatically sends you the latest status changes on brands you follow. So you won't miss any deadlines and you'll always be up to date.
  • Just register for free and click " Follow Brand". Done.
Sign up for free

A strong brand should always be monitored. Keep an eye on your competition!

  • Trademark offices do not inform you about identical or similar new applications. We do!
  • Actively protect your brand with automated trademark monitoring in all relevant trademark registers.
Sign up for free

Deadline missed? Brand gone? With a profile at TMDB, this won't happen to you anymore.

  1. Register for free.
  2. Add your brands to your personal brand portfolio (click on "Follow Brand").
  3. We will automatically remind you to renew your trademark protection.
Sign up for free

You want to protect a trademark? Then we are the right people to contact.

  • Experience from over 10,000 successful trademark applications in the last 10 years.
  • Cooperation with one of the leading German law firms in trademark law.
  • Fixed contact persons, specialist lawyers, short distances.
Register brand now

We love brands.
And are happy to look after you.

You can reach us from Monday to Friday between 08:00-16:00.

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