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The International trademark INTEL INSIDE was filed as Word mark on 03/11/2009 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: April 2, 2019

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 999614
Register number 2179209
Countries Syria
Base trademark US No. 2179209, August 4, 1998
Application date March 11, 2009
Expiration date March 11, 2029

Trademark owner

2200 Mission College Boulevard
Santa Clara, CA 95052

Trademark representatives

Reed Smith LLP, Intellectual Property, US

goods and services

09 Computer operating system software; computer operating programs; computer system utilities in the field of application software for connecting personal computers, networks, telecommunications apparatus and global computer network applications; computer firmware; computer hardware; integrated circuits; integrated circuit chips; semiconductor processors; semiconductor processor chips; microprocessors; printed circuit boards; electronic circuit boards; computer memory devices; semiconductor memory devices; video circuit boards; audio circuit boards; audio-video circuit boards; computer hardware and software for the development, maintenance, and use of local and wide area computer networks; computer hardware and software for the development, maintenance, and use of interactive audio-video computer conference systems; computer hardware and software for the receipt, display, and use of broadcast video, audio, and digital data signals

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
December 11, 2018 2019/11 Gaz Extension
May 4, 2010 2010/18 Gaz SY Rejection
March 11, 2009 2009/17 Gaz US Registration

ID: 14999614