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The International trademark RAFF S was filed as Word mark on 03/10/2008 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: May 5, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 975544
Register number 243360
Countries European Community Switzerland
Base trademark AT No. 243 360, February 12, 2008
Application date March 10, 2008
Expiration date March 10, 2028

Trademark owner

Seefeldmühle 67b
A-5421 Adnet

Trademark representatives

Lindengasse 8 A-1070 Wien AT

goods and services

06 Building materials and components of metal; roller blinds, roller blind boxes and window blinds of metal, slat curtains and louvres of metal, roller shutters of metal; Venetian blinds of metal, Venetian blind slats of metal; components of metals for the above-mentioned goods; small ironware and locksmiths' ware
19 Building materials and components (not of metal); roller blinds, roller blind boxes and window blinds (not of metal), slat curtains and louvres (not of metal); Venetian blinds (not of metal), Venetian blind slats (not of metal); components (not of metal) for the above-mentioned goods; inlaid floor elements, strip flooring and triles and sheets
22 Ladder tapes for venetian blinds, roller blinds, awnings and Venetian blinds, hanging cords, roller blinds and awnings of textile material

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 10, 2018 2018/11 Gaz Extension
August 18, 2009 2009/34 Gaz EM RAW: Protection Granted
March 10, 2008 2008/38 Gaz AT Registration

ID: 14975544