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The International trademark INTERPOLIS was filed as Word mark on 10/03/2007 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: March 20, 2018

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 941540
Register number 527965
Countries Turkey
Base trademark BX No. 527965, March 4, 1993
Application date October 3, 2007
Expiration date October 3, 2027

Trademark owner

Handelsweg 2
3707 NH Zeist

Trademark representatives

Hoogoorddreef 5 1101 BA Amsterdam NL

goods and services

16 Printed matter more particularly in the field of insurances, including policies.
36 Insurances and financial affairs.
39 Transport and storage; repatriation services; rescue services (transport); towing services.

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
October 3, 2017 2017/40 Gaz Extension
March 28, 2012 2012/14 Gaz TR RAW: Refusal Transfer of Ownership
March 18, 2009 2009/14 Gaz TR RAW: Protection Granted
October 3, 2007 2007/45 Gaz BX Registration

ID: 14941540