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The International trademark WiseGuard was filed as Word mark on 07/26/2005 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: December 22, 2021

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 870557
Register number 99814068
Countries European Community Japan United States of America (USA)
Base trademark FR No. 99 814 068, September 24, 1999
Application date July 26, 2005
Expiration date July 26, 2025

Trademark owner

Rue Jean Jaurès

Trademark representatives

2, rue Sarah Bernhardt, CS90017 FR

goods and services

09 Computer software (recorded programs), particularly in the field of computer management and computer security; computers and computer peripherals
42 Development and design of software; updating of computer software; advice relating to computers and computer security; technical computer consulting; computer programming; computer consulting; computer management advice, particularly in the field of computer security

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
November 22, 2021 2021/51 Gaz US RAW: Total Invalidation
July 26, 2015 2015/35 Gaz Extension
October 19, 2007 2008/29 Gaz US Decision on opposition
April 19, 2007 2008/16 Gaz JP Decision on opposition
December 11, 2006 2006/50 Gaz EM RAW: Protection Granted
October 26, 2006 2006/44 Gaz JP Rejection
February 15, 2006 2006/7 Gaz US Rejection
July 26, 2005 2005/50 Gaz FR Registration

ID: 14870557