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The International trademark GEA COM4 was filed as Word mark on 08/27/2002 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: March 14, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 794966
Register number 30218142.3/42
Countries Turkey Bulgaria Bhutan Belarus Switzerland Czechia Croatia Hungary Montenegro Poland Romania Serbia Russia Slovenia Slovakia Ukraine
Base trademark DE No. 302 18 142.3/42, April 25, 2002
Application date August 27, 2002
Expiration date August 27, 2022

Trademark owner

40468 Düsseldorf

Trademark representatives

goods and services

11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generation, cooking, refrigerating, drying, air-conditioning, ventilating, heat regaining, air filtration and water supply as well as sanitary facilities; air filters, parts of and accessories for said apparatus/facilities
37 Building, including construction of devices for lighting, heating, steam generation, cooking, refrigerating, drying, air-conditioning, ventilating, heat regaining, air filtration and water conduction as well as sanitary facilities; repair for products mentioned in class 11; building and construction consultancy; constructing (mounting) industrial and machinery plants, apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generation, cooking, refrigerating, drying, air-conditioning, ventilating, heat regaining, air filtration and water conduction as well as sanitary facilities, air filters
42 Management, control and issuance of license rights; building and construction planning; services of engineers; issuance of technical expert opinions; technical advice and activity of experts; drafting, developing, planning and projecting industrial and machinery plants, apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generation, cooking, refrigerating, drying, air-conditioning, ventilating, heat regaining, air filtration and water conduction as well as sanitary facilities, air filters; services of a research and development office; design of new products; data processing for others (computing services); development of data programs for others; all mentioned services for others

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 11, 2023 2023/10 Gaz Deletion
August 27, 2012 2012/35 Gaz Extension
August 22, 2007 2007/34 Gaz Extension
January 4, 2005 2005/4 Gaz RU Decision on opposition
January 6, 2004 2004/1 Gaz RU RAW: Disclaimer
August 27, 2002 2003/2 Gaz DE Registration

ID: 14794966