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The International trademark PRAESIDEO was filed as Word mark on 04/10/2002 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: April 15, 2022

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 780347
Register number 692976
Countries Australia United Kingdom Japan Norway Singapore Switzerland China Russia
Base trademark BX No. 692976, September 6, 2001
Application date April 10, 2002
Expiration date April 10, 2032

Trademark owner

Robert-Bosch-Platz 1
70839 Gerlingen

Trademark representatives

Wernerstraße 1 70469 Stuttgart DE

goods and services

09 Public address systems, consisting of apparatus for transmission, recording, reproduction and amplifying of sound (such as background music); parts of aforementioned goods, including loudspeakers, microphones, amplifiers and electric cables

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 10, 2022 2022/15 Gaz Extension
June 6, 2019 2019/23 Gaz GB Rejection
February 21, 2019 2019/9 Gaz Correction
April 10, 2012 2012/19 Gaz Extension
December 19, 2002 2002/25 Gaz AU RAW: Protection Granted
December 6, 2002 2002/25 Gaz JP RAW: Protection Granted
April 10, 2002 2002/11 Gaz BX Registration

ID: 14780347