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The International trademark NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG was filed as Word mark on 11/06/2000 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: November 28, 2020

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 769076
Register number 477899
Countries Turkey China Czechia Hungary Liechtenstein Monaco Poland Russia Slovakia San Marino Ukraine
Base trademark CH No. 477899, May 17, 2000
Application date November 6, 2000
Expiration date November 6, 2030

Trademark owner

Falkenstrasse 11
8008 Zürich

Trademark representatives

Seefeldstrasse 224, Postfach CH

goods and services

09 Data media of all types, including CD-ROMs; all the above products are of Swiss origin
16 Printed matter, including books, prospectuses and brochures; all the above products are of Swiss origin; newspapers, reviews
35 Advertising; announcement and advertisement agency and distribution; opinion polling; collecting commercial information, economic forecasting; statistical information
38 Telecommunications services; television programme broadcasting
41 Production and publishing services in connection with printed and electronic media; book, newspaper and magazine publishing and editing; publishing of recorded data media
42 Editorial services in connection with printed and electronic media; leasing access time to computer databases in all fields

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
November 6, 2020 2020/46 Gaz Extension
November 6, 2010 2010/45 Gaz Extension
May 19, 2003 2003/11 Gaz NO Decision on opposition
October 2, 2002 2002/20 Gaz NO Rejection
November 6, 2000 2001/24 Gaz CH Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 14769076