müller Nectar


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The International trademark müller Nectar was filed as Word mark on 07/09/1999 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: January 28, 2020

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 717870
Register number 39902421.2./32
Countries Italy
Base trademark DE No. 399 02 421.2./32, June 15, 1999
Application date July 9, 1999
Expiration date July 9, 2019

Trademark owner

Zollerstrasse 7
86850 Fischach

Trademark representatives

Rückertstr. 1 80336 München DE

goods and services

32 Boissons à base de fruits

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
January 18, 2020 2020/3 Gaz Deletion
March 9, 2009 2009/28 Gaz Extension
May 1, 2001 2001/9 Gaz ES RAW: Final Confirmation Refusal
June 14, 2000 2000/12 Gaz ES Rejection
July 9, 1999 1999/18 Gaz DE Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 14717870