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The International trademark OLISCAN was filed as Word mark on 06/16/1998 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: May 26, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 695326
Register number 753211
Countries Austria Benelux Switzerland Germany Spain France Portugal
Base trademark IT No. 753211, June 16, 1998
Application date June 16, 1998
Expiration date June 16, 2008

Trademark owner

Piazza Affari, 2

Trademark representatives

Via Trebbia, 20 I-20135 Milano IT

goods and services

09 Appareils de lecture, digitalisation et/ou reproduction de données, de textes et d'images; lecteurs optiques et fiches de réseau; logiciels pour les appareils précités

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
December 27, 2008 2008/52 Gaz Deletion
March 31, 2000 2000/7 Gaz ES RAW: Final Confirmation Refusal
May 5, 1999 1999/9 Gaz ES Rejection
June 16, 1998 1998/14 Gaz IT Registration

ID: 14695326