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The International trademark biosyn was filed as Word mark on 02/12/1997 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: November 4, 2022

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 675925
Register number 39639509
Countries Estonia Finland United Kingdom Greece Ireland Lithuania Norway Sweden Austria Bulgaria Benelux Switzerland China Cyprus Czechia Spain France Hungary Italy North Korea Liechtenstein Latvia Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Slovakia
Base trademark DE No. 396 39 509, November 21, 1996
Application date February 12, 1997
Expiration date February 12, 2027

Trademark owner

Schorndorfer Strasse 32
70734 Fellbach

Trademark representatives

Kurfürstendamm 54-55 10707 Berlin DE

goods and services

01 Chemical products for use in science
05 Medicines, chemicals for use in test-tube testing as well as preparations for diagnostic testing conducted in laboratories and doctors' offices
41 Projects, organization, arrangements and publication (publication of books, newspapers, magazines, posters) in connection with seminars, lectures and media days relating to medicine and health
42 Medical counseling for medical doctors, pharmacists, interest groups and lay persons; computer program (software) design; database and network design and development

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
February 13, 2017 2017/15 Gaz Extension
March 10, 2009 2009/16 Gaz DK RAW: Total Invalidation
April 20, 2007 2007/17 Gaz Extension
October 27, 2006 2006/48 Gaz CY Decision on opposition
May 26, 2006 2006/24 Gaz CY Rejection
March 9, 2006 2006/13 Gaz IE RAW: Protection Granted
May 13, 2005 2005/33 Gaz DE Correction
March 24, 2003 2003/7 Gaz CN RAW: Final Confirmation Refusal
May 30, 2000 2000/12 Gaz HU RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
March 6, 2000 2000/6 Gaz NO RAW: Final Confirmation Refusal
November 3, 1999 1999/22 Gaz SE RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
May 12, 1999 1999/11 Gaz ES Decision on opposition
December 10, 1998 1998/25 Gaz GB RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
November 27, 1998 1998/24 Gaz KP Decision on opposition
September 23, 1998 1998/19 Gaz SE Rejection
September 4, 1998 1998/18 Gaz NO Rejection
July 27, 1998 1998/15 Gaz HU Rejection
May 13, 1998 1998/10 Gaz ES Rejection
March 12, 1998 1998/5 Gaz CN Rejection
December 31, 1997 1998/1 Gaz KP Rejection
October 7, 1997 1997/20 Gaz GB Rejection
February 12, 1997 1997/14 Gaz DE Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 14675925