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The International trademark PAPI was filed as Figurative mark on 03/09/1995 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: March 26, 2021

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 638180
Register number 415660
Countries Benelux Germany France Italy Portugal
Base trademark CH No. 415 660, January 11, 1995
Application date March 9, 1995
Expiration date March 9, 2025

Trademark owner

123 Buckingham Palace Road
London, SW1W 9SR

Trademark representatives

2049 Century Park East, 26th Floor Los Angeles CA 90067 US

goods and services

35 Services de conseil, gestion et direction d'entreprises, consultations pour les questions de personnel et de carrière, recrutement de personnel, agences d'informations commerciales
41 Éducation, formation
42 Développement de méthodes et d'instruments permettant d'évaluer les compétences en matière de recrutement de personnel, de gestion des ressources humaines et d'évaluations d'entreprises

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 9, 2015 2015/11 Gaz Extension
September 30, 2005 2005/39 Gaz RAW: Non Renewal Under Rule 40.3
June 25, 2003 2003/14 Gaz ES RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
March 24, 2003 2003/7 Gaz CN RAW: Final Confirmation Refusal
July 31, 2001 2001/18 Gaz RU Decision on opposition
March 10, 1999 1999/5 Gaz ES Decision on opposition
April 24, 1998 1998/8 Gaz RU Rejection
March 4, 1998 1998/4 Gaz ES Rejection
January 16, 1998 1998/1 Gaz CN Rejection
April 21, 1997 1997/9 Gaz CH Correction
March 9, 1995 1995/6 LMi CH Registration

ID: 14638180