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The International trademark EMBLEM was filed as Figurative mark on 04/26/1995 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: February 28, 2022

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 635249
Register number 92403273
Countries Denmark Austria Benelux Germany Spain Hungary Italy Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia
Base trademark FR No. 92 403 273, January 29, 1992
Application date April 26, 1995
Expiration date April 26, 2025

Trademark owner

11 rue du Débarcadère
F-92700 Colombes

Trademark representatives

PO Box 363 Kew VIC 3101 AU

goods and services

05 Insecticides, anticryptogamic preparations, herbicides

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 21, 2015 2015/19 Gaz Extension
June 28, 2013 2013/28 Gaz RO Rejection
May 25, 2012 2012/30 Gaz Correction
February 9, 2007 2007/13 Gaz FR Correction
April 1, 2005 2005/17 Gaz RAW: Renewal Under Rule 40.3
August 17, 2004 2004/32 Gaz FR Correction
February 24, 1999 1999/6 Gaz FR Correction
March 24, 1998 1998/7 Gaz FR Correction
February 23, 1998 1998/5 Gaz FR Correction
April 26, 1995 1995/5 LMi FR Registration

ID: 14635249