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The International trademark AUDIOZON was filed as Figurative mark on 08/01/1986 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: October 11, 2019

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 504896
Register number 1089971
Countries Switzerland
Base trademark DE No. 1 089 971, April 7, 1986
Application date August 1, 1986
Expiration date August 1, 2026

Trademark owner

An der Schleifmühle 2
50374 Erftstadt

Trademark representatives

Frankenforster Str. 135-137 51427 Bergisch Gladbach DE

goods and services

03 Produits pour le nettoyage d'appareils auditifs

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 1, 2016 2016/32 Gaz Extension
August 1, 2006 2006/33 Gaz Extension
February 8, 1989 1989/2 LMi ES Decision on opposition
July 6, 1987 1987/7 LMi ES Rejection
June 5, 1987 1987/6 LMi Correction
August 1, 1986 1986/9 LMi DT Registration
Partial deletion
Partial deletion

ID: 14504896