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The International trademark MONILE was filed as Figurative mark on 09/03/1979 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: May 30, 2022

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 448679
Register number 357549
Countries Russia Ukraine
Base trademark BX No. 357 549, March 13, 1979
Application date September 3, 1979
Expiration date September 3, 2029

Trademark owner

Industriepark Noord,
H. Dunantstraat 11b

Trademark representatives

1 New York Street Manchester M1 4HD GB

goods and services

19 Planchers, dallages et pavages industriels

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
September 3, 2019 2020/13 Gaz Extension
September 3, 2009 2009/41 Gaz Extension
September 16, 1999 1999/21 Gaz BX Correction
September 3, 1999 1999/19 Gaz Extension
October 15, 1996 1996/19 Gaz BX Correction
April 3, 1992 1992/4 LMi Correction
October 19, 1990 1990/10 LMi Correction
September 3, 1979 1979/12 LMi BX Registration
September 3, 1979 ES Decision on opposition
Partial deletion

ID: 14448679