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The International trademark gardeur was filed as Figurative mark on 12/24/1970 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Surfaces or backgrounds covered with repeated geometrical figures, figurative elements or inscriptions #Letters presenting a special form of writing #Surfaces or backgrounds covered with repeated geometrical figures or designs

Trademark Details Last update: November 15, 2021

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 375124
Register number 865853
Countries Estonia Finland Lithuania Sweden Austria Benelux Belarus Switzerland Germany France Italy Kazakhstan Liechtenstein Latvia Montenegro Serbia Russia Ukraine
Base trademark DE No. 865 853, February 5, 1970
Application date December 24, 1970
Expiration date December 24, 2020

Trademark owner

Rijn 12
2491 BG 's-Gravenhage

Trademark representatives

Prinz-Ludwig-Straße 40A 85354 Freising DE

goods and services

25 Trousers of all types for men, particularly waisted trousers, trousers with turn-ups, plus fours, all these goods are for export to French-speaking countries

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
October 18, 2021 2001/1 Gaz RAW: Renewal Under Rule 40.3
October 15, 2021 2021/42 Gaz Deletion
December 24, 2010 2011/2 Gaz Extension
December 5, 2008 2009/22 Gaz DE RAW: Holder Rights Restriction
September 27, 2007 2007/46 Gaz Extension
February 20, 2002 2002/9 Gaz SE RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
September 11, 2001 2001/19 Gaz SE Rejection
May 23, 2000 2000/14 Gaz DE Correction
March 28, 2000 2000/10 Gaz DE Correction
December 24, 1990 1990/12 LMi Extension
December 24, 1970 1971/2 LMi DT Registration

ID: 14375124