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The International trademark Merck was filed as Figurative mark on 01/31/1964 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: January 25, 2019

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 279186
Register number 45659
Countries Japan Austria Bosnia and Herzegovina Benelux Switzerland Czechia Algeria Egypt Spain France Croatia Hungary Italy Liechtenstein Morocco Monaco Montenegro Portugal Romania Serbia Slovenia Slovakia San Marino Vietnam
Base trademark DE No. 45 659, July 18, 1959
Application date January 31, 1964
Expiration date January 31, 2024

Trademark owner

Frankfurter Strasse 250
64293 Darmstadt

goods and services

01 Drugs of the vegetable kingdom, namely herbs, roots, stalks, parts of trunks, leaves, flowers and fruit and parts thereof, alkaloids, resins, drugs of the animal kingdom, namely musk, castoreum, organic extracts; chemical products for perfumery, electroplating, oils and varnishes industries, for the textile industry, for fermentation, tanning and dyeing purposes; chemical products for scientific and synthetic purposes, preparations for microscopy and for bacteriological purposes, physiological chemical preparations of the animal and vegetable kingdom, mineral raw materials and salts made thereof
02 Resins, gum resins; chemical products for the varnishes industry and for manufacturing liqueurs
03 Essential and fatty oils, drugs of the animal kingdom, namely musk, castoreum; chemical products for perfumery; chemical products for dyeing purposes
04 Fatty oils; chemical products for the varnishes and oils industry
05 Medicines and dressing articles for human and animal consumption, cotton wool and dressing gauze, pesticides and herbicides, drugs of the vegetable kingdom, namely herbs, roots, stalks, parts of trunks, leaves, flowers and fruits and parts thereof, alkaloids, all preparations made with plants, disinfectants, drugs of the animal kingdom, namely cod liver oil, organic extracts, medicinal sera, bacterial poisons; chemical products for fermentation purposes, preparations for bacteriological purposes, physiological chemical preparations of the animal and vegetable kingdom, salts made with mineral raw materials
06 Mineral raw materials
17 Gum, mineral raw materials
19 Minerals, mineral raw materials
33 Chemical products for manufacturing liqueurs

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
December 17, 2018 2019/4 Gaz RAW: Limitation
August 6, 2014 2014/36 Gaz RAW: Limitation
January 31, 2014 2014/6 Gaz Extension
August 3, 2007 2007/49 Gaz Extension
January 31, 2004 2004/3 Gaz Extension
May 27, 2002 2002/11 Gaz JP RAW: Protection Granted
September 21, 2001 2001/22 Gaz DE Correction
November 21, 1996 1996/18 Gaz Extension
April 19, 1993 1993/5 LMi Extension
February 23, 1993 1993/3 LMi Extension
January 31, 1964 1984/1 LMi DT Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 14279186