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The International trademark PACHA was filed as Word mark on 11/02/2022 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: July 28, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1717802
Countries United Arab Emirates Australia European Community United Kingdom New Zealand
Base trademark US No. 97427598, May 25, 2022
Application date November 2, 2022
Expiration date November 2, 2032

Trademark owner

1007 Brioso Dr.
Costa Mesa CA 92627

Trademark representatives

2323 Ross Avenue, Suite 1900 Dallas TX 75201 US

goods and services

34 Vaping devices for tobacco alternatives or substitutes, namely, smokeless devices, disposable devices, reusable devices, empty devices, refillable devices, and battery-powered devices for heating tobacco alternatives or substitutes for the purpose of inhalation; battery-powered vaping devices in the nature of electronic cigarettes; devices for heating tobacco alternatives or substitutes for the purpose of inhalation; vaporizing hardware, namely, oral vaporizers sold filled with flavorings in liquid form for smoking or inhalation purposes; smokeless vaporizer devices, namely, smokeless oral vaporizing pens sold filled, smokeless oral vaporizers disposable cartridges filled with vaporizable nicotine, and reusable cartridges filled with vaporizable nicotine, all of the foregoing for the purpose of smoking and inhalation; oral vaporizers for smoking conversion purposes; vaping devices, namely, smokeless oral vaporizers, disposable oral vaporizers, reusable oral vaporizers, and battery-powered oral vaporizers for the purpose of inhalation for use as an electronic nicotine delivery system; disposable and reusable vaping and electronic cigarette refill cartridges sold empty or sold filled with chemical flavorings in liquid form; Vaping devices used for tobacco alternative or tobacco substitute heating and consumption and e-liquid products with and without nicotine for the purpose of inhalation; empty and refillable devices, namely, smokeless oral vaporizers, disposable oral vaporizers, reusable oral vaporizers, and battery-powered oral vaporizers in combination with e-liquid and nicotine solutions, used as a combustible tobacco alternative or substitute for the purpose of inhalation; combustible tobacco alternatives or substitutes, namely, oral nicotine pouches; liquid nicotine solutions for use in electronic cigarettes; electronic cigarette liquid (e-liquid) comprised of flavorings in liquid form, other than essential oils, used to refill electronic cigarette cartridges; tobacco substitutes; tobacco-free oral nicotine pouches; tobacco derived and non-tobacco derived nicotine pouches; pouches for tobacco substitutes; flavorings for tobacco substitutes, other than essential oils

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
July 26, 2023 2023/30 Gaz EM Rejection
July 4, 2023 2023/27 Gaz NZ Rejection
June 7, 2023 2023/23 Gaz GB Rejection
March 28, 2023 2023/13 Gaz AU Rejection
November 2, 2022 2023/8 Gaz US Registration

ID: 141717802