e.s. botanica


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The International trademark e.s. botanica was filed as Word mark on 08/02/2022 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: January 26, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1691583
Register number 018647604
Countries Switzerland United Kingdom
Base trademark EU No. 018647604, June 17, 2022
Application date August 2, 2022
Expiration date August 2, 2032

Trademark owner

Frankfurter Str. 98-102
63599 Biebergemünd

Trademark representatives

Benrather Str. 15 40213 Düsseldorf DE

goods and services

18 Luggage, bags, wallets and carrying bags; hipsacks; rucksacks
25 Clothing; headgear; footwear; work clothes; children's wear; tee-shirts; sweat shirts; hooded pullovers; sweaters; shirts; trousers; coveralls; shorts; jackets [clothing]; waistcoats; combinations [clothing]; dresses; skirts; kerchiefs [clothing]; bandanas [neckerchiefs]; scarves; waist belts; gloves [clothing]; caps being headwear; socks and stockings

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
January 25, 2023 2023/4 Gaz GB Rejection
August 2, 2022 2022/41 Gaz EM Registration

ID: 141691583