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The International trademark 302019028523 was filed as Figurative mark on 06/03/2020 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Men #Segments or sectors of circles or ellipses #Heads, busts #Harlequins, clowns, pierrots, carnival characters or grotesque or freakish figures, dwarfs, wizards, Santa Claus, deviner (devining-rod), genies (also 4.5.5). #Segments of circles or ellipses (except 26.2.7) #26.02.15

Trademark Details Last update: June 10, 2021

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 1542557
Register number 302019028523
Countries Austria Switzerland
Base trademark DE No. 30 2019 028 523, April 28, 2020
Application date June 3, 2020
Expiration date June 3, 2030

Trademark owner

Otto-Hans-Straße 4
85521 Ottobrunn

Trademark representatives

Isartorplatz 8 80331 München DE

goods and services

09 Software and software in the form of an app for property management, office organization, CRM and process controlled software
35 Online mediation of contracts for third parties for the provision of services
36 Services in real estate and property management
38 Telecommunications services through a social network between property management and their craftsmen and service providers as well as owners and tenants in residential property
42 Development, programming, implementation, maintenance and maintenance of software; consulting services related to software; software as a service [SaaS]

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 8, 2021 2021/23 Gaz CH Rejection
December 28, 2020 2020/53 Gaz AT Rejection
June 3, 2020 2020/29 Gaz DE Registration

ID: 141542557