Social Influence TOOLS Utility Maximization Mental Weakness TOOLS Consistency Cognitive Illusions TOOLS Independency Cognitive Limits TOOLS Perfect Mind RATIONALITY BOUNDED RATIONALITY


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Die Internationale Marke Social Influence TOOLS Utility Maximization Mental Weakness TOOLS Consistency Cognitive Illusions TOOLS Independency Cognitive Limits TOOLS Perfect Mind RATIONALITY BOUNDED RATIONALITY wurde als Bildmarke am 20.02.2020 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Kreise #Segmente oder Sektoren von Kreisen oder Ellipsen #Andere Polygone #Linien, Bänder #Andere Hintergründe, unterteilt in zwei, drei oder vier #26.01.01 #Zwei Kreise, einer in dem anderen #Kreise mit kreisförmig angeordneten Inschriften #Andere unregelmäßige Parallelogramme, Trapezien und Vierecke, Vierecke mit einer oder mehreren abgerundeten Ecken #Mehrere Vierecke nebeneinander, verbunden oder sich überschneidend #Quadrilaterale, die einen oder mehrere Kreise, Ellipsen oder Polygone enthalten (geben Sie den Inhalt an) #Quadrilaterale, die einen oder mehrere Buchstaben enthalten #Quadrilaterale mit dunklen Flächen oder Teilen von Flächen #Mehr als zwei Linien oder zwei Bänder #Gekrümmte Linien oder Bänder (außer A 26.11.13) #Buchstaben in heller Schrift auf dunklem Hintergrund

Markendetails Letztes Update: 03. Juni 2021

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 1530104
Registernummer 743204
Länder Österreich Deutschland Liechtenstein
Basismarke CH Nr. 743204, 13. August 2019
Anmeldedatum 20. Februar 2020
Ablaufdatum 20. Februar 2030


Neuackerstrasse 3
5408 Ennetbaden


Mellingerstrasse 2a Postfach 2006 CH

Waren und Dienstleistungen

09 Downloadable electronic publications; publications, text books, teaching materials and courses, forms, diagrams, documentation and manuals for computer programs, information sheets, reports and brochures, illustrations, graphs, data sets, presentations, lectures, analyzes, studies, tests, testing, surveys, summaries, reviews, expert reports, specific articles, all the aforementioned goods in electronic form
16 Printed matter, course books, stationery; printed publications, text books, teaching materials and courses, forms, diagrams, documentation and manuals for computer programs, information sheets, reports and brochures, illustrations, graphs, data sets, presentations, lectures, analyzes, studies, tests, testing, surveys, summaries, reviews, expert reports, specific articles, all the aforementioned goods in electronic form
35 Business management; commercial administration; business management and organization consultancy; business management consultancy; professional business consultancy; professional business consultancy relating to strategic, operative and financial business decisions; professional business consulting in the field of decision making, design decision, creation decision, behavioral economics, design behavior and decision on the architecture; professional business consultancy with respect to marketing, advertising, public relations, visual identity, prices structure, sale and distribution of goods and services; business strategy consultancy, communication strategies in the field of advertising; professional business consultancy for staff matters, staff development, staff management and administration, staff placement, staff recruitment and staff management relating to the acquisition of companies and mergers of companies, relating to the establishment of businesses, business succession, business development, business management and business organization; professional business consultancy in the field of change management, management of goods, marketing; professional business consultancy in the field of multi-channel change management; professional business consultancy in social and political, economic, health and environmental matters and sectors; professional business consultancy in the field of equality, equal opportunities, diversity and prejudice
41 Education; training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; provision of recreational facilities; organization and conducting of cultural and leisure activities; organization and conducting of meetings, colloquiums, congresses, seminars, symposiums, training, education workshops, as well as courses and conferences; transfer of know-how as a training service; coaching; providing online, non-downloadable electronic publications, in particular specialized works on education and training, books, training material and video, audio and multimedia entertainment, posts on social media, videos, presentations, (and recordings), class content relating to mixed learning, information on learning in the field of decision-making models and behavioral patterns; providing information in the fields of education and entertainment (also provided online) in the form of blogs, social media websites, webinars; consulting on education, further training, training and coaching and mentoring and provision of training models and consultancy approaches for training and practice, in the field of business management consultancy and mentoring, as well as the implementation of training for such purposes
45 Consulting relating to intellectual property licensing; licensing to others for the use of education models, business management consultancy and decision-making models; intellectual property licensing; granting of licenses for film, television, video, music and images; software licensing; licensing of rights to names, businesses, publications, logos; licensing of copyright; legal advice on franchising; licensing for franchising concepts
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
14. Mai 2021 2021/22 Gaz AT Ablehnung
05. Mai 2021 2021/18 Gaz LI Ablehnung
02. Oktober 2020 2020/42 Gaz AT Ablehnung
28. September 2020 2020/40 Gaz DE Ablehnung
20. Februar 2020 2020/18 Gaz CH Eintragung

ID: 141530104