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The International trademark LETTERA 22 was filed as Figurative mark on 02/22/1951 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: October 28, 2021

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 152033
Register number 100538
Countries Bosnia and Herzegovina Benelux Switzerland Germany Spain France Liechtenstein Monaco Montenegro Romania Serbia
Base trademark IT No. 100 538, February 6, 1951
Application date February 22, 1951
Expiration date February 22, 2021

Trademark owner

Piazza degli Affari 2
I-20121 MILANO

Trademark representatives

Via Vittoria Colonna, 4 I-20149 Milan IT

goods and services

16 Machines à écrire et leurs parties

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
October 25, 2021 2021/43 Gaz Deletion
February 22, 2011 2011/30 Gaz Extension
October 5, 2007 2007/41 Gaz Extension
September 20, 1996 1996/14 Gaz Extension
February 22, 1991 1991/2 LMi Extension
November 27, 1990 1990/11 LMi PT RAW: Total Invalidation
October 10, 1990 1990/10 LMi DD Decision on opposition
February 22, 1951 1971/2 LMi IT Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 14152033