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The International trademark CANNADOL was filed as Word mark on 04/04/2018 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: February 25, 2020

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1415954
Register number 714874
Countries Colombia European Community Mexico
Base trademark CH No. 714874, October 27, 2017
Application date April 4, 2018
Expiration date April 4, 2028

Trademark owner

Alte Steinhauserstrasse 10
6330 Cham

Trademark representatives

Route des Avouillons 6 1196 Gland CH

goods and services

05 Pharmaceutical products excluding anesthetics for medical purposes; medicated and veterinary preparations excluding anesthetizing preparations used for medical purposes, particularly medicated and veterinary preparations based on essential oils or plant extracts excluding anesthetizing preparations based on essential oils or plant extracts for medical purposes; dietetic food and substances for medical and veterinary use, particularly dietetic food and substances for medical and veterinary use based on essential oils or plant extracts; dietary, nutritional and dietetic supplements for human beings or animals, particularly dietary, nutritional and dietetic supplements based on essential oils or plant extracts

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
February 21, 2020 2020/9 Gaz MX Rejection
January 21, 2020 2020/5 Gaz EM Rejection
July 4, 2019 2019/30 Gaz CO Rejection
March 28, 2019 2019/14 Gaz CO Rejection
December 19, 2018 2019/2 Gaz EM Rejection
December 19, 2018 2019/2 Gaz EM Rejection
December 13, 2018 2018/51 Gaz EM Rejection
July 18, 2018 2018/38 Gaz CH Correction
April 4, 2018 2018/29 Gaz CH Registration

ID: 141415954