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The International trademark JUMBO SPEELGOED was filed as Figurative mark on 03/22/1948 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Quadrupeds (series II) #Letters presenting a special form of writing #Elephants, mammoths #Animals of Series I stylized #Series of letters in different dimensions

Trademark Details Last update: April 6, 2018

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 135493
Register number 70530
Countries Austria Switzerland Germany Spain France Hungary Italy Liechtenstein Morocco Montenegro Romania Serbia San Marino
Base trademark BX No. 70 530, September 21, 1956
Application date March 22, 1948
Expiration date March 22, 2028

Trademark owner

Westzijde 184
1506 EK Zaandam

Trademark representatives

Barbara Strozzilaan 201 1083 HN AMSTERDAM NL

goods and services

28 Jouets pour enfants (à l'exception de jouets fabriqués en celluloïd)

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 22, 2018 2018/14 Gaz Extension
March 22, 2008 2008/16 Gaz Extension
August 29, 2007 2007/35 Gaz Extension
March 2, 1998 1998/4 Gaz PT RAW: Total Invalidation
February 21, 1997 1997/5 Gaz Extension
March 22, 1988 1988/3 LMi Extension
March 22, 1948 1968/3 LMi BX Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 14135493