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The International trademark OLIVO was filed as Figurative mark on 09/08/2016 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Quadrilaterals #Letters presenting a special form of writing #Two quadrilaterals, one inside the other #Quadrilaterals containing one or more letters #Letters written in double outline

Trademark Details Last update: August 23, 2018

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 1353884
Countries Japan South Korea United States of America (USA) China
Base trademark IT No. 302016000057738, June 6, 2016
Application date September 8, 2016
Expiration date September 8, 2026

Trademark owner

Via F.lli Cervi, 84

Trademark representatives

Via della Scala, 4 I-50123 FIRENZE IT

goods and services

23 Spun thread and yarn; thread; yarn; silk yarn; silk thread; spun silk thread and yarn; angora thread and yarn; twisted cotton thread and yarn; semi-synthetic fiber thread and yarn [chemically treated natural fiber yarn]; synthetic fiber thread and yarn; wool thread; wool yarn; twisted wool thread and yarn; wild silk thread and yarn; twisted silk thread and yarn; mixed spun thread and yarn; twisted mixed thread and yarn; worsted thread and yarn; synthetic thread and yarn; waste cotton thread and yarn; cotton yarn; cotton thread; spun cotton; linen thread and yarn; silk thread and yarn; knitting yarn; spun wool

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 16, 2018 2018/34 Gaz US RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
May 9, 2018 2018/19 Gaz KR Rejection
May 8, 2018 2018/19 Gaz CN Rejection
December 21, 2017 2017/51 Gaz JP Rejection
July 17, 2017 2017/29 Gaz US Rejection
September 8, 2016 2017/25 Gaz IT Registration

ID: 141353884