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The International trademark URBINO was filed as Word mark on 01/09/2017 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: July 29, 2022

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1335421
Register number 302014057877
Countries Benelux
Base trademark DE No. 30 2014 057 877, September 11, 2014
Application date January 9, 2017
Expiration date January 9, 2027

Trademark owner

Hammermühle 24
51491 Overath

goods and services

19 Building elements and building materials of concrete and natural stone, including the aforesaid goods with various coatings, in particular building stone, paving blocks, paving and garden tiles for laying on the ground and for tiling walls and facades, kerbstones, step sections and blocks and prefabricated structural elements, in particular for the manufacture of steps and palisades, and shaped elements for horticulture and landscaping, namely palisades, columns, troughs for plants, fountain components and bench sections
35 Wholesale and retail services with respect to the aforesaid goods in class 19, including provision of such services via Internet, online or catalogue mail order services and via a teleshopping channel; import and export agencies services for building materials with respect to the aforesaid goods in class 19
37 Construction; repair services with respect to the aforesaid goods in class 19; installation services; all aforesaid services related to the aforesaid goods in class 19

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 5, 2017 2017/23 Gaz BX Rejection
January 9, 2017 2017/10 Gaz DE Registration

ID: 141335421