Mining machines and apparatus; hydraulic excavators; wheel
loaders; building demolition machines; demolition machines
for vehicles; demolition machines for electrical appliances;
construction machines and apparatus; cranes;
loading/unloading machines and apparatus
Repair or maintenance of cranes; repair or maintenance of
loading/unloading machines and apparatus; providing
information on repair and maintenance of cranes; providing
information on repair and maintenance of loading/unloading
machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of hydraulic
excavators; repair or maintenance of wheel loaders; repair
or maintenance of building demolition machines; repair or
maintenance of demolition machines for vehicles; repair or
maintenance of demolition machines for electrical
appliances; repair or maintenance of construction machines
and apparatus; providing information on repair and
maintenance of hydraulic excavators; providing information
on repair and maintenance of wheel loaders; providing
information on repair and maintenance of building demolition
machines; providing information on repair and maintenance of
demolition machines for vehicles; providing information on
repair and maintenance of demolition machines for electrical
appliances; providing information on repair and maintenance
of construction machines and apparatus; repair or
maintenance of mining machines and apparatus; providing
information on repair and maintenance of mining machines and
apparatus; rental of construction machines and apparatus;
rental of mining machines and apparatus
Remote monitoring of the functioning and use of cranes;
remote monitoring of the functioning and use of
loading/unloading machines and apparatus; remote monitoring
of the functioning and use of hydraulic excavators; remote
monitoring of the functioning and use of wheels loaders;
remote monitoring of the functioning and use of building
demolition machines; remote monitoring of the functioning
and use of demolition machines for vehicles; remote
monitoring of the functioning and use of demolition machines
for electrical appliances; remote monitoring of the
functioning and use of construction machines and apparatus;
remote monitoring of the functioning and use of mining
machines and apparatus; remote monitoring of the functioning
and use of cranes via a global computer network; remote
monitoring of the functioning and use of loading/unloading
machines and apparatus via a global computer network; remote
monitoring of the functioning and use of hydraulic
excavators via a global computer network; remote monitoring
of the functioning and use of wheel loaders via a global
computer network; remote monitoring of the functioning and
use of building demolition machines via a global computer
network; remote monitoring of the functioning and use of
demolition machines for vehicles via a global computer
network; remote monitoring of the functioning and use of
demolition machines for electrical appliances via a global
computer network; remote monitoring of the functioning and
use of construction machines and apparatus via a global
computer network; remote monitoring of the functioning and
use of mining machines and apparatus via a global computer