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The International trademark STEINBAUER was filed as Figurative mark on 01/28/2014 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Lines, bands #One line or one band #Curved lines or bands (except A 26.11.13)

Trademark Details Last update: April 2, 2019

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 1200410
Register number 012033577
Countries Australia Switzerland Macedonia Norway New Zealand Serbia Turkey United States of America (USA)
Base trademark EU No. 012033577, January 15, 2014
Application date January 28, 2014
Expiration date January 28, 2024

Trademark owner

Betriebsstraße 21
A-4224 Wartberg ob der Aist

Trademark representatives

Roseggerstraße 58 A-4020 Linz AT

goods and services

07 Engine parts and apparatus for increasing the performance of fuel engines for land vehicles, included in this class, namely control devices for ignition and fuel injection
09 Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, converting, storing, regulating or controlling electricity, namely electronic controllers and regulators for engines and machines, namely electronic control devices for increasing the performance of engine ignitions, fuel pumps and fuel injection and electronic control devices for regulating vehicle hydraulics and height adjustment

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 1, 2015 2015/23 Gaz US RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
March 31, 2015 2015/21 Gaz CH Rejection
March 30, 2015 2015/14 Gaz TR Rejection
March 19, 2015 2015/18 Gaz RS Rejection
December 19, 2014 2014/52 Gaz NO Rejection
September 2, 2014 2014/36 Gaz NZ Rejection
August 13, 2014 2014/33 Gaz AU Rejection
May 5, 2014 2014/19 Gaz US Rejection
January 28, 2014 2014/15 Gaz EM Registration

ID: 141200410