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The International trademark OMOM was filed as Figurative mark on 12/27/2012 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Letters or numerals representing a human being, an animal, a plant, a heavenly body, a natural phenomenon or an object #Colours #Letters or numerals representing a human being or a part of the human body, an animal or a part of an animal's body, a plant, a heavenly body, a natural phenomenon or an object #Red, pink, orange

Trademark Details Last update: December 28, 2022

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 1148627
Register number 4198242
Countries Australia Colombia European Community Mexico Singapore Syria Turkey United States of America (USA) Egypt Croatia Iran Mongolia Russia Sudan
Base trademark CN No. 4198242, January 7, 2007
Application date December 27, 2012
Expiration date December 27, 2032

Trademark owner

No. 18 Nichang Avenue,
Lianglu Industrial City,

Trademark representatives

7th Floor, Scitech Place, No. 22, Jian Guo Men Wai Ave. CN

goods and services

10 Surgical apparatus and instruments; pumps for medical purposes; gastro scopes; medical apparatus and instruments; testing apparatus for medical purposes; diagnostic apparatus for medical purposes; galvanic therapeutic appliances; electrodes for medical use; dialyzers

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
December 27, 2022 2022/52 Gaz CN Extension
October 13, 2016 2017/22 Gaz SY RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
July 28, 2015 2015/31 Gaz MX Rejection
June 2, 2015 2015/23 Gaz US RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
May 25, 2015 2015/22 Gaz CO Rejection
May 11, 2015 2015/21 Gaz SY Rejection
March 20, 2015 2015/18 Gaz MN Rejection
February 27, 2015 2015/12 Gaz SG Rejection
September 4, 2014 2014/36 Gaz US Rejection
July 17, 2014 2015/14 Gaz HR Rejection
July 4, 2014 2014/28 Gaz TR Rejection
May 13, 2014 2014/27 Gaz CN Correction
January 20, 2014 2014/5 Gaz RU Rejection
January 2, 2014 2014/1 Gaz EM Rejection
June 26, 2013 2013/26 Gaz AU Rejection
December 27, 2012 2013/6 Gaz CN Registration

ID: 141148627