Polonaise WISNIOWY


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The International trademark Polonaise WISNIOWY was filed as Figurative mark on 08/18/2010 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Grain, seeds, fruits #Shields #Ornamental motifs #Letters presenting a special form of writing #Colours #Cherries #Shields containing inscriptions #Labels, collarettes (bottle-neck labels) #Five colours and over

Trademark Details Last update: August 19, 2020

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 1049311
Register number 224000
Countries Belarus Monaco Russia San Marino Ukraine
Base trademark PL No. 224000, January 14, 2010
Application date August 18, 2010
Expiration date August 18, 2030

Trademark owner

ul. Kolejowa 1
37-100 Łańcut

Trademark representatives

Kwiatowa 21/3 Str. 02-539 Warsaw PL

goods and services

33 Vodka

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 12, 2020 2020/34 Gaz Extension
April 10, 2012 2012/16 Gaz CH Rejection
April 2, 2012 2012/43 Gaz RU RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
March 5, 2012 2012/11 Gaz LI Rejection
September 28, 2011 2011/40 Gaz CH Rejection
September 2, 2011 2011/36 Gaz UA Rejection
August 29, 2011 2011/36 Gaz LI Rejection
August 8, 2011 2011/40 Gaz BY Rejection
August 4, 2011 2011/33 Gaz CN Rejection
July 27, 2011 2011/31 Gaz RU Rejection
May 4, 2011 2011/26 Gaz SM Rejection
August 18, 2010 2010/37 Gaz PL Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 141049311