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The International trademark 369152 was filed as Figurative mark on 03/18/2010 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Signs, notations, symbols #Circles #Other signs, notations or symbols, º (temp), #, bar codes #One circle #Circles containing other figurative elements

Trademark Details Last update: March 30, 2020

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 1036446
Register number 369152
Countries Australia Bosnia and Herzegovina Switzerland China United Kingdom South Korea Montenegro Macedonia Norway Serbia Russia Singapore Turkey Vietnam
Base trademark JP No. 369152, August 13, 1947
Application date March 18, 2010
Expiration date March 18, 2030

Trademark owner

1-8, Doshomachi 3-chome,

goods and services

05 Pharmaceutical preparations (not including mosquito-repellent incenses and other incenses for mosquito exterminate, medicated soaps of Japanese pharmacopoeia and medicinal alcoholic beverages)

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
February 29, 2020 2020/13 Gaz Extension
February 4, 2016 2016/7 Gaz VN Rejection
December 9, 2014 2015/6 Gaz Correction
May 22, 2014 2014/25 Gaz FI Rejection
February 16, 2012 2012/7 Gaz TR Rejection
January 18, 2012 2012/4 Gaz DK Rejection
September 16, 2011 2011/39 Gaz FI Rejection
August 30, 2011 2011/41 Gaz SE Rejection
June 9, 2011 2011/24 Gaz BG RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
May 26, 2011 2011/26 Gaz HR Rejection
May 9, 2011 2011/19 Gaz KR Rejection
May 6, 2011 2011/20 Gaz IE RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
May 4, 2011 2011/20 Gaz CH Rejection
April 13, 2011 2011/20 Gaz RS Rejection
March 4, 2011 2011/11 Gaz HU Rejection
February 18, 2011 2011/8 Gaz CN Rejection
February 17, 2011 2011/9 Gaz RU Rejection
February 10, 2011 2011/8 Gaz BG Rejection
February 8, 2011 2011/9 Gaz BA Rejection
February 1, 2011 2011/12 Gaz SK Rejection
December 14, 2010 2010/50 Gaz RO Rejection
November 26, 2010 2010/48 Gaz NO Rejection
November 1, 2010 2010/44 Gaz AU Rejection
September 30, 2010 2010/39 Gaz ES Rejection
September 6, 2010 2010/36 Gaz GB Rejection
August 23, 2010 2010/34 Gaz SG Rejection
July 30, 2010 2010/31 Gaz AT Rejection
July 28, 2010 2010/32 Gaz IE Rejection
March 18, 2010 2010/17 Gaz JP Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 141036446