VI-CLONEADS Logo (WIPO, 01/19/2009)
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The International trademark VI-CLONEADS was filed as Figurative mark on 01/19/2009 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.
#Reptiles, amphibia, snails, seals, sea lions #Circles #Colours #Animals of division 3.11 stylized #Circles containing other figurative elements #Three predominant colours
Trademark form | Figurative mark |
File reference | 1008326 |
Register number | 2840378 |
Countries | |
Base trademark | No. 2840378, November 28, 2008 |
Application date | January 19, 2009 |
Expiration date | January 19, 2019 |
Date | Document number | Area | Entry |
August 3, 2019 | 2019/31 Gaz | Deletion | |
October 7, 2011 | 2011/41 Gaz | US | Rejection |
December 4, 2009 | 2009/50 Gaz | BX | Rejection |
November 26, 2009 | 2009/49 Gaz | GB | Rejection |
August 27, 2009 | 2009/37 Gaz | US | Rejection |
January 19, 2009 | 2009/32 Gaz | ES | Registration |
ID: 141008326