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Die Internationale Marke CHRISTINE VALMY wurde als Wortmarke am 10.08.2008 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Markendetails Letztes Update: 03. Oktober 2022

Markenform Wortmarke
Aktenzeichen 1000968
Länder Griechenland Japan
Basismarke US Nr. , 20. Februar 2025
Anmeldedatum 10. August 2008
Ablaufdatum 10. August 2028


285 Change Bridge Rd
Pine Brook NJ 07058


7 Times Square 19th Floor US

Waren und Dienstleistungen

03 Skin care products - namely, cleansing lotions, cleansing creams, soaps, astringents, toners, softening and moisturizing fluids, freshening fluids, conditioning creams, hydrating jelly masks, skin moisturizing lotion, jelly masks for oily skin, jelly masks for blemished skin, masks for firming skin, facial peel creams, skin firming creams, deep-cleaning lotion for skin, lotion for protecting skin, lotions to restore acidity, creams for revitalizing the skin, conditioner for strengthening eyelashes, lotion to lessen superficial wrinkles and lines, mask to help clear away blackheads, whiteheads, blemishes and deep pore dirt, soap to help clear up blemishes and acne pimples, cream to fade dark spots and freckles; cosmetics - namely, makeup base, bronzer, facial powder, facial blush and brush, contour shading makeup, foundation facial cream, blemish cover sticks, compressed facial powder, lipsticks, lip liner pencils, lip liner pencil refills, lip gloss, rouge, eye liners, mascaras, eyebrow pencils, eyebrow pencil refills, lash thickener, eye shadow, eye cleansing pads, nail polish, nail gloss, eyelashes; hair shampoo; sunscreen; skin bleaching lotion; toiletries - namely, men's and women's colognes, men's after-shave lotion; brushes as part of makeup kit; depilatory wax
41 Operating skin care schools
44 Operating skin treatment centers and salons for men and women
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
15. November 2018 2018/47 Gaz Verlängerung
10. April 2012 2012/17 Gaz JP RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
15. Oktober 2010 2012/1 Gaz RAW: Limitation
07. Januar 2010 2010/2 Gaz JP Ablehnung
10. August 2008 2009/20 Gaz US Eintragung

ID: 141000968