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The US trademark TUFFLOCK was filed as Word mark on 03/01/2011 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 03/27/2012. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 85255155
Register number 4117273
Application date March 1, 2011
Publication date January 10, 2012
Entry date March 27, 2012

Trademark owner

102 Adelaide Street Brisbane
Queensland 4000

Trademark representatives

goods and services

7 Attachment for excavators, namely, excavation buckets; excavation equipment components, namely, bucket lips for excavation buckets and dragline buckets; excavation equipment components, namely, fixing pins for connecting excavation buckets to excavators and ground engaging teeth for excavation buckets; mounting assemblies all for use on excavation buckets; excavators; attachment for dragline excavator, namely, buckets for dragline excavators; excavation equipment components, namely, mounting assemblies for ground engaging teeth for use with excavator buckets

ID: 1385255155